Monday, September 12, 2011 at 10:10pm
I'm back to CLOTHING REDO's again!!! Really back this time :)
I've been at this weekly since December 2010, only stopping for a family emergency and 2 room redo's. I have legitimate reasons why I didn't do clothing redo's but none the less want to continue what I started and catch up for lost time ....19 weeks, 18 redos (early on I did 2 redo's in 1 wk so that eliminates 1) and a few weeks to do them in. I'll be doing the regular weekly redo's with a few more to knock down the 19 due. My hopes are to start fresh come year 2!
1)BOYS SHIRT- FREE, donated clothes to my family
BEFORE: Boys 14/16 shirt, dark yellow.I folded the shirt in half then cut the collar off and left raw.
I used my seam ripper to remove the label.
I just sewed where I thought it would fit, I had to do it a 2nd time cause it was too small lol I then cut the excess. Don't mind the crooked stitches, no one can see them ;)
After reading a new fave blog- cotton & curls , I decided to bleach the shirt and see what came of it. 1 part bleach to 10 parts hot water in sink or bucket. I used 1.5 cups bleach + 15 cups hot water, 30 min, occasionally moving shirt around, then threw in the wash.
AFTER! A much lighter buttery yellow, which is perfect for my skin tone.
Sleeve- nice peak
Side...if you look closely you can see my original stitching holes haha I don't mind since I'll always be wearing a tank under.
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