I recently caught up on posting my Christmas changes,
those have all come down since.
Yep, I jumped on the New Year's bandwagon
This last week, full of many events,
included redo's, birthday celebrations,
10 years in the youth ministry,
10 years in the youth ministry,
If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it.
Don't remind me about tax time & my baby girl's birthday,
those are around the corner too.
Here's the run down.
Well, a kind of condensed version
for you short-on-attention-span folks
Redo's at the end
Saturday 19th
Sis, MS and I went to see LES MISERABLES
as Sunday would be full with other activities.
It was AWESOME!!!!!
Yes......I cried at the end
Sunday 2oth
I celebrated another year!
Thank you Lord.
Had service today,
(I wore some redo's but the pics weren't great)
lunch with family
and the start of our church's annual conference.
lunch with family
and the start of our church's annual conference.
Monday 21st
Conference continued
Tuesday 22nd
Official birthday celebration with hubby!
We got a sitter,
grabbed some Panda Express and off to the theater!
had not watched the movie first.
It was foul mouthed, included lots of innuendo's, suggestive behavior,
and totally hilarious.
Aside from all the stuff listed BEFORE the "hilarious" I really enjoyed it.
It included many 80's hits I remembered, the harmonies were beautiful
and choreography fantastic.
Again, not recommended for those who are offended by any of the above.
I hope no one is offended that I would attend such a production.
Its not my typical choice but played during my birthday week,
I am way beyond the age of 18 and was OK with it.
I of course would never go with anyone other than my hubby
as it is a pretty awkward play with anyone else lol.
Friday 25th
My sis had a sleepover with the kids
so hubby and I could enjoy an evening away.
Thanks to my mom, who covered the stay at a beautiful hotel
and dinner.
Sunday 27th
It was a great week,
followed by a great service.
Grabbed some lunch with MS
to celebrate God answering prayers for her new home.
She's family no matter what,
but my kiddos have been patiently waiting for their rooms
the last few years and through 7 students.
If we had more room, she'd still be with us :)
So it's exciting to see what God is going to do
for all of us in this new season.
We helped her pack up and unload.......
6 miles away.
She's literally that close.
Its been a while but here's what I worked on for my birthday week.
I worked on this dress & a black jacket.
On Tuesday night I wore the same jacket
and some of the thrifted birthday clothes I had just bought.
Turns out the jeans were looser than I remembered
so I kept having to pull them up throughout the night :/
I knew I wanted to wear the outfit this Sunday but
not with sagging jeans.
One issue lead to another,
and I almost gave up
but then quickly recovered.
Jeans: $3.00 thrifted
T.R. I took 2 pieces of elastic (2in) and seared the ends.
B.R. I stretched & sewed on each side of waist vertically and then horizontally.
As I was fixing my jammed machine,
threw the jeans across the table temporarily
and eventually began to smell something burning.
YIKES I had done a Nacho Libre.
You know, when his robe catches on fire with a candle!
I had forgotten that I had a low lit candle right in front of me
and thank the Lord, it was just the smoke that burned my pants.
What now?
I had just finished the elastic :/
I tossed them aside, really bummed,
hubby a little scared that I could forget something RIGHT in front of me,
and was just about to go find something else to replace those jeans,
when hubby says "there's nothing you can do to fix them?"
Its not that they weren't fixable,
the hole was pretty darn close to my cheek.
You know what I'm talking about.
I'll create more holes, patch them up and call it a day!
This time I purposely burnt holes into my jeans.
I grabbed a few matches, held close to the spots I chose
and burned until it created the hole.
I then rubbed the material against itself to loosen the threads
and lighten up the burned area.
T.R. I used old tshirt material, pinned and sewed.
B.R. View from inside
old clearanced earrings & ring.
My sis had a sleepover with the kids
so hubby and I could enjoy an evening away.
Thanks to my mom, who covered the stay at a beautiful hotel
and dinner.
Sunday 27th
It was a great week,
followed by a great service.
Grabbed some lunch with MS
to celebrate God answering prayers for her new home.
She's family no matter what,
but my kiddos have been patiently waiting for their rooms
the last few years and through 7 students.
If we had more room, she'd still be with us :)
So it's exciting to see what God is going to do
for all of us in this new season.
We helped her pack up and unload.......
6 miles away.
She's literally that close.
Its been a while but here's what I worked on for my birthday week.
Too short, waist too high & meant for a YOUNG girl. |
As I mentioned earlier, the pics for Sunday's(19th) outfit weren't that
I'll have to retake and post later along with the redo.I worked on this dress & a black jacket.
On Tuesday night I wore the same jacket
and some of the thrifted birthday clothes I had just bought.
Turns out the jeans were looser than I remembered
so I kept having to pull them up throughout the night :/
I knew I wanted to wear the outfit this Sunday but
not with sagging jeans.
One issue lead to another,
and I almost gave up
but then quickly recovered.
Jeans: $3.00 thrifted
T.R. I took 2 pieces of elastic (2in) and seared the ends.
B.R. I stretched & sewed on each side of waist vertically and then horizontally.
As I was fixing my jammed machine,
threw the jeans across the table temporarily
and eventually began to smell something burning.
YIKES I had done a Nacho Libre.
You know, when his robe catches on fire with a candle!
I had forgotten that I had a low lit candle right in front of me
and thank the Lord, it was just the smoke that burned my pants.
What now?
I had just finished the elastic :/
I tossed them aside, really bummed,
hubby a little scared that I could forget something RIGHT in front of me,
and was just about to go find something else to replace those jeans,
when hubby says "there's nothing you can do to fix them?"
Its not that they weren't fixable,
the hole was pretty darn close to my cheek.
You know what I'm talking about.
![]() |
Accidental burn :/ |
I'll create more holes, patch them up and call it a day!
This time I purposely burnt holes into my jeans.
I grabbed a few matches, held close to the spots I chose
and burned until it created the hole.
I then rubbed the material against itself to loosen the threads
and lighten up the burned area.
T.R. I used old tshirt material, pinned and sewed.
B.R. View from inside
2 new holes added to the front. |
I wore with my recently fixed jacket(old thrifted),
thrifted blouse ($3) which just needed a little adjusting,
pink camisole(old thrifted), jeans, calf boots (old thrifted)
chain necklace (a metal detecting find from an old family friend),old clearanced earrings & ring.
Love my necklace
2 of the 3 holes I purposely created
Back view:
Left hole is mine,
right hole, the candles.
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