I LOVE FALL WREATH- using Dollar Tree items
Ok officially but not visibly, at least in California.
I want colder weather, all day;
sweaters, boots;
sweaters, boots;
leaves changing color;
hot chocolate;
homemade soup;
you know, the works.
We did have some crazy storm go through though,
on the LAST day of summer 9.21.13,
but that was about it.
Since then we've just enjoyed brisk mornings
which then become warm afternoons :(
Knowing Autumn was literally days away,
I got my stuff together to start crafting/decor'ing away!
It helps since there's no other signs of Fall.
This was a perfect shape to represent my LOVE for Fall!
Earlier this year I was able to go back to the salvage sale and pick up some goodies for the future.
That included this heart wreath and a few other things which I've used to decorate.
I'll get to those other items soon.
The wreath was a Valentine's item which originally sold for $9.99!
(13x13 in.?)
I got it for pennies!
(everything is literally pennies per pound)
I took all the berries and hearts off.
I then went scouring through hubby's stuff and found this thin rope/twine?
I did find something like it at Dollar Tree but it was plastic-y and in tan or blue.
So you could use that but I think it would detract from the earthy/natural feel.
I used about 3ish feet. and wound all the way around.
At the end I just knotted and cut the excess.
I picked up 5 bunches of flowers,
2 berry type of bunches
a loofah sponge!
That's right, a bath sponge hahaha.
When I'm in there I try to look at everything
not knowing what I'll find for inspiration
or some other non-intended use for the items I do find.
Well in the bath section they had little orange pumpkins,
red turkeys or green leaves.
All together it cost $8.00+tx,
but since I used some of the flowers for my table
this only cost me $4+ for this project.
I removed a few flowers from their stems and played around with the look.
When I found something I liked, I used my glue gun to attach them.
I stuck in a few bright berries and some of the green ones.
The long grass came with the green berries so I got double use out of that bunch.
I then turned the loofah sponge out to the softer/felt side,
made a 2nd hole in it and looped the other end of the string through it
for a bow.
I hot glued that too.
Last I printed up a vintage seed packet photo, glued to some poster board,
I also got at Dollar tree for a different project;
and then glued onto the wreath.
It doesn't even look like a loofah sponge!
shh, It's our little secret.
I've got some other super simple/inexpensive projects I completed
for my front porch.
(one is peeking through on the right)

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