One of the gorgeous flowers found at the Loleta Cheese Factory garden Loleta, Ca |
Although I'm officially back from the summer break,
I HAVE to go back a tad & share what we were happily doing.
We've had a great time, celebrated events, explored new places, visited familiar ones, made new memories, took tons of photos and overall had the best, much needed, family time.
We've also had some great changes to our families and some not so easy.
All we can do is praise God for his blessings
trust him for the rest.
trust him for the rest.
Humor me, tag along for the summer 2012 photos :)
June 1-3 2012
Eureka/Arcata Ca.
Our 1st trip this summer
Evening at the Eureka Pier
Evening stroll through Eureka Pier
Hammond Coastal Trail & Ocean
Sequoia Zoo "STAFF"- kitty comes and goes as he pleases :)
The Barnyard at the Sequoia Zoo- Shaved Llama, hefty sow & "praying" goat lol
Its a petting zoo, included in your zoo admission.
Kids & hubby on horse/tractor.
Turns out hubby ISN'T suppose to be on it hahaha.
M on the spider web.
June 10, 2012
It was LOUD but not painfully loud.
Family came along and some great friends from Oregon too.
My pal S, her hubby V and hubby N.
V and hubby grew up together.
It was lots of fun!
June 23-27th
M's 9yr Racing Birthday celebrations
M's 9yr Racing Birthday celebrations
As part of his birthday gift,
we took M and his buddy E to a racetrack for some loud fun.
I played a game with the boys, telling them to pick a car to root for
and stick with it.
NO changing half way or at the end.
They picked based on design, color, the number or the one they thought would win.
I picked based on color/number haha.
AND of course they totally cheated EVERYTIME,
switching for the car that was in the lead.
and stick with it.
NO changing half way or at the end.
They picked based on design, color, the number or the one they thought would win.
I picked based on color/number haha.
AND of course they totally cheated EVERYTIME,
switching for the car that was in the lead.
Me and my big boy!
Not quite 9 yet, his bday was on 6/27
6/24 Hosted M's Racing theme birthday party at the park.
It was surprisingly cool, breezy and woderfully shady!
This party was so low key compared to all the others we've prepared for.
Its usually more scheduled, specific games and activites planned, party favors, etc.
But I love how it turned out.
Everyone had fun, the kids played in the nearby park & entertained themselves
while the adults chatted :)
We ate hotdogs,hamburgers, chips, choco dipped pretzels, butter popcorn/ kettle corn, watermelon, apricots & figs.
lol Ya, my mom brought them, they were a hit too.
We had pinata fun, cupcakes & gifts.
Hubby and pal J working on pinata 1
I made 2 cupcake stands for $2.50 each with Dollar Tree items & M's toy cars. I made cupcakes with CHOCOLATE GANACHE FROSTING, I looped mine. |
June 27, 2012!
This was M's actual 9th birthday
and like most birthday's we surprise them with bday decor the morning of.
(usually up late the night before setting up)
We take them to our family favorite diner for breakfast,
giftcard shopping and a movie/activity during the day;
this year it was BRAVE.
(Great movie, not too fond of the "witch" though)
Pizza for dinner
and ice cream for dessert.
M's birthday photos
and ice cream for dessert.
I can't believe he's 9!!!!
I found the NASCAR Cafe shirt at the thrift store for $1.00, cut out the logo and sewed onto a shirt he had. That was his birthday shirt :) |
M's birthday photos
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I made the flag from leftover party material and a shish Kebab stick. I bought the race suit at the thrift store for .50 cents!!!!! God is good, he knows what I need and helps me find it. |
He's my handsome little man!
Sensitive, shy, silly and loving.
Opens up with time but is mostly an observer.
He loves to laugh big harty laughs, like mom and wrestle with dad & sis.
He's a good friend, great helper and pretty tidy.
He's got my freckles coming in and I LOVE it
(I'd been keeping an eye out for them)
He loves his little sis, plays with her
and has shared a room with her for quite some time.
Even though they bicker like most siblings,
they are very close and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thank you Lord for my son!
Because I like to be equal with my kids as much as possible,
I have to add my baby girl's birthday photos.
I never got to do it back in February.
N turned 6 on 2/21/12!
She's just as silly in her own right, beautiful, super helpful,
a girly girl, independant, loves freely,
and can rough house with her Daddy and big brother.
You can catch her drawing most of the time, writing a love note to any one of us
or creating something with paper.
(we've got her stuff on walls, fridge, nightstands or tucked away)
Thank you Lord for my daughter!
We went out to breafast at the diner, just me, M, N & baby A.
Dad had to work :/
Did some giftcard shopping
and then to Chuck e Cheese!
We all went out to Chili's for dinner.
N had a Cinema Celebration themed party.
Personalized theater tickets were the invites.
We had the "arcade" with Pac-man & Spongebob set up.
Pizza, popcorn & candy at the "concessions stand"
which they "purchased" with premade tickets
and had
Puss in Boots playing on the screen.
Cupcakes, presents & group pics finished out a fun afternoon
We're very blessed parents.
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