I haven't started my daughter's room yet
except for straightening it up and taking a few before pics.

I'm "itching" to get started!
I have so many ideas running through my head I had to write them down.
From little things that need to be fixed, replaced, painted,
to being made and thrifted.

Not sure that it will all happen 
but its safer for me to make big plans and work towards them
than take the easy/safe route of just buying her Hello Kitty decor items.
(Not that its bad, I just want to create her room myself)

I know for sure that I DON'T want to spend lots of $
make it look like HELLO KITTY threw up in there.
For reals!
I've gotten to some jean babies but need to make more

For now, here's the change up in our home.

I had a realization yesterday.

After the kids went to school,
hubby left to Eureka for work
and I got to straightening up and changing out some decor....
may I ask,
said I can't mix greens with burgundy without it looking Christmas-y?!

 I guess I did

I'd been avoiding using greens for fear of clashing or looking like Christmas
but yesterday was the day and I said "YES!"

M.S. says I get all my great ideas when she's gone....
This time everyone was gone.
She may have a point, but it has to do with the quiet in the house,
my brain gets going.

-I added a small wreath above the tin-can garland 
-Raised the TV a few inches with rectangle wood box
- Wood watering can
-Moss covered branches
-Cream pail for remotes
-Mini succulent-gift from mom
-Mini ceramic cake stand
-Yellow plant
I had everything already, stored or throughout the house.

Previously thrifted watering can $.50
Leaves from our citrus tree
2 Candles stacked for height-gift
Clock/wireless doorbell

Moss branches picked up this weekend at the staff retreat
I'll share pics soon
Feathers- old,thrifted 

I moved this metal container from the opposite corner 
& poked some citrus leaves through the branches.
The eggs: belong to kids, I spray painted them
-Yellow plant- Vday gift from hubby

I left a little green showing

This is NEW!
Well, the Christmas tree use to be here 
and this 3rd chair was tucked away in my closet under LOTS of blankets.

Green pillow- its secretly 2 small pillows,
side by side in a long pillowcase, then tucked into itself.
Lamp- leftover item from mom's tenant years ago.

Remember these drawers?
They were UNDER the tree.
Now they stand nicely between the chair and couch
as my magazine holder.

ALL those magazines?
Donations from my mom's nail lady, yahoo!
Thank you, nice lady.

Same box under TV along with more branches.

Yep, I switched out those red plates for these.
Given to me by my Grama B.
Pillow-removed red pillowcase and added this retro leaved one
old, thrifted years ago.

Dry grass- previously thrifted with feathers $3
these were originally in the tall red glass container
Green vase from birthday flowers
Lamp shade turned upside down.

Now for the dining table

I love to have fresh fruit.
Runner & mats previously thrifted.
Bowl over pizza stone.

 Large mason jar with branches
and a flour sifter
Small jars with almonds and cleaned/dried pistachio shells.


Soon the celebration of the Risen King :)

Have a great day friends!


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